Friday, December 17, 2010

Host: chillz33


Time: Every other Wednesday at 10:00 PM Eastern

Call In Number: 1 (347) 994-2959

Greetings Family, I haven't been posting here in some time but i will continue to do so in the future. I have been absent because of my Radio show which i neglected to propagandize here. So enjoy the show. the most recent one was... Reverse Racism... WTH!?

When ever a complaint or dialog is launched about the conditions of Blacks nowadays, They call it reverse racism. What is reverse racism? What is racism and can Black people be racist? lets find out... Stay Tuned!

Link to the broadcast:

Past shows include:

Destroy N Rebuild Radio - Reverse Racism... WTH!?
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - What is a Man
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - In Need Of Black
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - The Bible: The Truth or Altered by the White man.
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - Deicide: The Mental Killing of the African Race
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - Afrocentric Vs. Eurocentric; Balance Vs. Chaos
Destroy N Rebuild Radio Show - Is the White Man the Devil?
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - Is We Sick Massa
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - Do we still pick cotton
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - The Blame
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - Lets Stay
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - Gettin Rich off
Destroy N Rebuild Radio - Miseducation N Misdirection of our Youth

Monday, May 10, 2010

The Silent Death of Pshycic Violence. - Part 2

Throughout history there has been insurmountable evidence that proves just that! Even within their own history books!

Thru the glorification of murder, sex and greed, Hollywood uses its vast resources to push its agendas upon your minds.

Movies that are geared towards us, usually consist of comedies or drug dealer movies, with the occasion historical movie about how whity learned to accept so n so… ala, Driving miss daisy, The great debaters or The Blind Side…So we are either the jestor, the criminal or in need of saving… Whitey to the rescue!.

I spoke on the white heroes on the last recording… And it still needs to be said that the black hero is non-existent in todays entertainment media. And if he does exist he’s either merely a human who can fight real good, steriotypically designed with blacksploitation like commentary, or he’s a superhuman with a alcohol problem… Ahhh am I thinking to deep? Maybe I am…


This continues into the video game market. Little black kids controlling super-powered white men and woman, while they do amazing stuff, only to see themselves caste as sidekicks or comedy relief within stereotypical settings.
All while whites look boundless in these movies and shows. Flawless, intelligent and brave. Overcoming great odds, doing great deeds… Doctors laying their jobs on the line to help somebody… An army Captain dying to save a private’s life in a war… Over and over this and these sorts of themes play on our screens telling us how much white is good… White is great. And at the same times, Over and over again we are shown detrimental images of ourselves. On every channel, every game system and every movie theatre. We are served up a extra helping of self hate on a daily basis. As the visions cross the screen and etch itself in our memory. We see the caricature of ourselves, according to how white want us to be seen. You don’t see the people who’ve been civilized for 100’s of thousands of years… You don’t see the Black Woman who encompasses the creation of civilization… the originator of agriculture and medicine… The definition of power and beauty, you see the angry, black woman. The hard to get along with, loud, promiscuous and oversexed so called “bitches and hoes”. You do not see the gentle, yet strong, builder and architect… The warrior and scientist and scholar black man… You see the gangster, the fool, The deadbeat, the willing to fuck anything moving, jestor ass nigga. The buffoon, simply there to amuse whites and mislead blacks.
While the real world moves around us, we drown ourselves in sports. Watching the highpriced plantation of the NBA and NFL teams run around with a ball for 2 or 3 hours, as if this is an actual value to your life and your future… Its just an escape. We watch simulated manhood in a time when our real manhood as black men should be on the table for review.

We turn our radios on to the popular stations. The songs play over and over again until you love it. It’s the easiest brain washing tactic one can use. You play something over and over, and even if the person is not actively listing to the song, it is still being downloaded by the mind. That’s why you may find yourself humming some bullshit you heard 3 weeks back, like?! What? I don’t even Like that song!... They got you…

While we are being entertained by the rhythms and beats of these songs, the lyrics speak to us and transmit the cultural values and interests of the song into our minds. Altering our very state of being… Music is known to move people. As Plato said thousands of years ago “Music and Rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.
And what’s being fed into our soul? What kind of music is finding its way into the very fiber or our being?

It is music that glorifies ignorance, violence and sex. This shit is being peddled to the youth to start them out early on a road to nowhere, bombarding them until they are intellectually dead, when they should be on the road to building a great future for our people…

Now how does the television effect your mentality you may ask? Well in scientific terms... When a person watches TV... their Brains right side becomes more active. Now, wait I must explain how the brain works. The Left side of the brain deals with logic or rational analyzation. Structured thought… While the Right deals with intuition, emotion, it breaks down info in wholes… So when you’re watching TV you are watching with an emotional less logical mentality. That’s why you have brothers n Sister yelling at the screen in the theatres screamin LOOK OUT, She gonna get KEELED LoL… Now, the shift from left to right also releases endorphins which is a natural sedative with similar properties to heroin… Making the act of watching TV addictive.

Also the brains activity also shifts from the High brain region to the lower brain region. Making you less intelligent and animalistic. The lower brain is called the reptile brain because it its associated with primitive mental functions. The lower region believes what it see’s. This is why your body reacts in various ways while watching a horror or love flick. It is an unconscious level of manipulation when you take the science into account as well as the content we are viewing.

For example the overwhelming Gore movies… The rush of glorified snuff films like, Saw or Hostal, where you pretty much pay to watch people get murdered in elaborate ways. Taking into account how the mind works, a society consuming these sorts of themes and images will make for a frightful future. What we are seeing is altering the paradigm and Poisoning the minds of the public in general… Not just the black man and woman.

But how do we free ourselves? How do we peel ourselves from this fly trap?

The end result is simple! We must wrest control of what goes into our minds. Which starts with ourselves. The man in the mirror or the woman in the mirror. Whites dominate us mostly due to our own brainwashed belief that they are, in fact dominant! That their way of doing things is supireor to what we ourselves could do. With these beliefs, we aid them in gaining control over us. Making the white domination somewhat self imposed. We believe he has all the guns, the money, the power… And there’s nothing we can do about it. Psychic Violence has convinced the majorty of blacks that the white man is invincible, which has undermined our self confidence in believing we can take control back.

I could talk bullshit about owning our own record companies and television stations… But, that’s obvious that that would be the goal. But once one gains those stations and companies, if they haven’t worked on themselves and freed themselves from the grip of the white mans psychological hold on them, It will just mean another BET. Just another black company willing to be compromised at the drop of a few coins.

It takes those in the know. You an I, to get out in our streets and teach! Teach your brothers, mothers, sisters, fathers, friends and lovers. Build networks and social groups within your community. Get your hands dirty! These types of things won’t happen over nite. So expect failures and triumphs. We own our own reality. You are your own leader! You don’t need the greats to be around to do great yourself.

Htp and its been a pleasure!

Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Silent Death of Pshycic Violence. - Part 1

Yimhotep, my sisters and brothers. Thank you for checking in again. I hope you find the info to be enlightening and empowering even tho some of this may seem a bit disheartening.


I am happy to be here speaking in the spirit of our ancestors. As well as the great teachers and leaders, who’ve transitioned from this world.
They are deserving of our praises.

I myself am no scholar… No Master teacher or great leader of men and women. I am merely a student, much like you. I, like all of you have the potential to be far more than just a student… We all have the potential to do great and revolutionary deeds. So I do not speak before you, upon a soap box or behind a podium… I speak among you, and am greatly honored to do so. And due to the very broad subject matter that the previous recording covered. I wish to expound on some of the key elements we need to consider as we push forward towards a solution and revolution to our situation here in the hells of north America…

Therefore, the topic before us today will be called, Free Fall Towards Genocide… The Silent Death of Psychic Violence.

What is Psychic Violence one may ask… Does it refer to some telepathic powers the white man has? Some magical xmen shit? No… Phychic violence is the means by which the white man attack us now-a-days. Not physically! He doesn’t need to do bodily harm to us to control and or destroy us. He uses our mind. Pshychic violence is the attacks on the minds of the black man and woman… According to the late, great BRO. Amos Wilson, It Refers to the ability of the, Elite white power structure to “engage in unrelenting psycho political violence, against the collective African psyche”.

Brothers and sisters I want to discuss how the white elites use psychological warfare to manipulate the masses of stolen and disenfranchised Africans here in the United States. How it affects us and what we can do for ourselves to thwart their objectives. Because we as African people in the Diaspora of western society are at a disadvantage. We do not own the media’s outlets that forcefeed white supremist views to our children to ourselves… We do not run the school districts teaching our children the false history of this county guiding us to see the world within the realm of white emperialism and white supremacy.

When you allow them to control your mind they can control your reality, and change your paradigms as they see fit.

The controlling of the minds of black people has been an ongoing SYSTEM for hundreds of years. It is not a new phenomanon at all, and has only intensified, the more advanced technology has gotten. The Taking of our original Afrikan names, language and religion were all forms of phychological attacks against us.

Introducing a god to us that did not look like us…. Matter fact, forget looking like us horus was depicted with with the head of a falcoln…. The sick part was that the god they forced us to pray too had the same face as our enslavers… When the god you worship looks like the man who hates, enslaves and murders you… You got a major psychological problem.

They Wiped away our Language… Our religion, Our culture, our god, our folk ways, moreways, and our norms as Dr. Khallid put it… Took away the power of our own being. The objective of these tactics was to confuse, dominate and finally reprogram us to be the slaves of their choosing. Shit hundreds of years later, no matter if we paint the face black or orange, we still pray to the slave masters god. I watched the Goodtimes “Black Jesus” episode and if you’ve never watched it its an eye opener. Micheal puts it up, and the whole episode Florida wants to take it down, and her commentary is incredible. The dialog alone is very memorable. At one point she says, refering to the picture of white jesus… “The only Jesus I know is Him”! This is indicative of how many blacks of her day felt… as well as today. We still see the white jesus pieces around the necks of our brothers… Anyway… As you can guess, black jesus never saw the light of day again on good times after that.

Whats funny is how many of us will say, White or black !? does it even matter? Of course it does… To everybody but us! We are the only race, that seems to be okay with false depictions of our history. But I digress cause I am getting a bit off track.

Even with such a deep brainwashing and Even thru all we have been thru, we still have not fallen completely. We fought thru the overt oppression and suppression and still had unity and strength. And every time they would use their overt oppressive tactics, we would still rise. Undaunted… They still could not break our minds completely.

During the early years of the 1900’s overt racism of Jim Crow and segregation, some of the most incredible minds were produced. Minds like Marcus Garvey, Carter G. Woodson, Paul Roberson And even the great teachers and leaders that followed their legacy. Men and Women of such vision and power! Had this pattern been allowed to continue It would have been only a matter of time before we would have had our freedom…

During the mid 1900’s, those within the white elite power structure, had been researching ways to control and subjugate the masses of people in the US… From the Large scale Propaganda techniques of Walter Lippman and Edward Bernays to Project Bluebird, later to be called the much more infamous MKUltra, It was obvious that overt racism had gone out of style somewhat. The United States has been hard at work on more COVERT Psychological Warfare. A way to control and guide the lives of those within the glass cage of America.

And what better way to manipulate is there then, thru the media outlets. Radio, the tell-LIE-vision sets, Newspapers and now the Internet.
We as afrikan people have been exposed to covert attacks on all fronts, in a war we do not even realized is being waged upon us!

And this war has been bombarding many of our minds since our earliest years of childhood! Many are raised by the TV set. Suckling on the boob tube as if it was nursing them. As we turn on the boob tube, our minds are like a blank sheet of paper waiting for what the television wishes to write down. We watch as the news spends chunks of its air-time parading us across the screen accompanied with the crime of the day… The top story… or whatever.

The new anchor reports flawed statistics, pivotal in promoting the criminalization of black people, while we see these stats and think they mirror our people. We start to believe what we see. Their game is to make us view each other as criminals and uncivilized people. When they have always acted as criminals themselves, as well as uncivil and barbaric.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Imhotep, Doctor, Architect, High Priest, Scribe and Vizier to King Djoser
by Jimmy Dunn
Of the non royal population of Egypt, probably one man is known better then all others. So successful was Imhotep (Imhetep, Greek Imouthes) that he is one of the world's most famous ancients, and his name, if not his true identity, has been made even more famous by various mummy movies. Today, the world is probably much more familiar with his name then that of his principal king, Djoser. Imhotep, who's name means "the one that comes in peace". existed as a mythological figure in the minds of most scholars until the end of the nineteenth century when he was established as a real historical person.

He was the world's first named architect who built Egypt's first pyramid, is often recognized as the world's first doctor, a priest,. scribe, sage, poet, astrologer, and a vizier and chief minister, though this role is unclear, to Djoser (reigned 2630–2611 BC), the second king of Egypt's third dynasty. He may have lived under as many as four kings. An inscription on one of that kings statues gives us Imhotep's titles as the "chancellor of the king of lower Egypt", the "first one under the king", the "administrator of the great mansion", the "hereditary Noble", the "high priest of Heliopolis", the "chief sculptor", and finally the "chief carpenter".

Of the details of his life, very little has survived though numerous statues and statuettes of him have been found. Some show him as an ordinary man who is dressed in plain attire. Others show him as a sage who is seated on a chair with a roll of papyrus on his knees or under his arm. Later, his statuettes show him with a god like beard, standing, and carrying the ankh and a scepter.

Imhotep may have been born in Ankhtowë, a suburb of Memphis early in Egyptian history. However, other classical writers suggested that he was from the village of Gebelein, south of ancient Thebes. His father might have been an architect named Kanofer. His mother could have been Khreduonkh, who probably belonged to the province of Mendes, and he may have had a wife named Ronfrenofert but none of this is by any means certain. As a commoner at birth, he rose through the ranks quickly due to his genius, natural talents and dedication.

As a builder, Imhotep is the first master architects who we know by name. He is not only credited as the first pyramid architect, who built Djoser's Step Pyramid complex at Saqqara, but he may have had a hand in the building of Sekhemkhet's unfinished pyramid, and also possibly with the establishment of the Edfu Temple, but that is not certain. The Step Pyramid remains today one of the most brilliant architecture wonders of the ancient world and is recognized as the first monumental stone structure.

Imhotep's best known writings were medical text. As a physician, Imhotep is believed to have been the author of the Edwin Smith Papyrus in which more than 90 anatomical terms and 48 injuries are described. He may have also founded a school of medicine in Memphis, a part of his cult center possibly known as "Asklepion, which remained famous for two thousand years. All of this occurred some 2,200 years before the Western Father of Medicine Hippocrates was born.

Sir William Osler tells us that Imhotep was the:
"..first figure of a physician to stand out clearly from the mists of antiquity." Imhotep diagnosed and treated over 200 diseases, 15 diseases of the abdomen, 11 of the bladder, 10 of the rectum, 29 of the eyes, and 18 of the skin, hair, nails and tongue. Imhotep treated tuberculosis, gallstones, appendicitis, gout and arthritis. He also performed surgery and practiced some dentistry. Imhotep extracted medicine from plants. He also knew the position and function of the vital organs and circulation of the blood system. The Encyclopedia Britannica says, "The evidence afforded by Egyptian and Greek texts support the view that Imhotep's reputation was very respected in early times. His prestige increased with the lapse of centuries and his temples in Greek times were the centers of medical teachings."

Along with medicine, he was also a patron of architects, knowledge and scribes. James Henry Breasted says of Imhotep: "In priestly wisdom, in magic, in the formulation of wise proverbs; in medicine and architecture; this remarkable figure of Zoser's reign left so notable a reputation that his name was never forgotten. He was the patron spirit of the later scribes, to whom they regularly poured out a libation from the water-jug of their writing outfit before beginning their work.

As the High Priest of Heliopolis, he would have been one of the chief priest of Lower (northern) Egypt. Even though Egypt's capital may have been located at Memphis, it is likely during this period that Heliopolis was recognized as the religious capital of Egypt.

Imhotep is one example of the "personality cult" of Kemet, whereby a learned sage or otherwise especially venerated person could be deified after death and become a special intercessor for the living, much as the saints of Roman Catholicism. About 100 years after his death, he was elevated as a medical demigod. In about 525, around 2,000 years after his death, he was elevated to a full god, and replaced Nefertum in the great triad at Memphis. In the Turin Canon, he was known as the "son of Ptah". Imhotep was, together with Amenhotep, the only mortal Egyptians that ever reached the position of full gods. He was also associated with Thoth, the god of wisdom, writing and learning, and with the Ibises, which was also associated with Thoth.

We are told that his main centers of worship were in the Ptolemaic temple to Hathor atf Dier el-Medina and at Karnak in Thebes, where he was worshipped in conjunction with Amenhotep-Son-of-Hapu, a sanctuary on the upper terrace of the temple at Deir el-Bahari, at Philae where a chapel of Imhotep stands immediately in front of the eastern pylon of the temple of Isis and of course, at Memphis in Lower (northern) Egypt, where a temple was erected to him near the Serapeum. At saqqara, we are told that people bought offerings to his cult center, including mummified Ibises and sometimes, clay models of diseased limbs and organs in the hope of being healed.

He was later even worshipped by the early Christians as one with Christ. The early Christians, it will be recalled, adapted to their use those pagan forms and persons whose influence through the ages had woven itself so powerfully into tradition that they could not omit them.

He was worshiped even in Greece where he was identified with their god of medicine, Aslepius. . He was honored by the Romans and the emperors Claudius and Tiberius had inscriptions praising Imhotep placed on the walls of their Egyptian temples. He even managed to find a place in Arab traditions, especially at Saqqara where his tomb is thought to be located.

Imhotep lived to a great age, apparently dying in the reign of King Huni, the last of the dynasty. His burial place has not been found but it has been speculated that it may indeed be at Saqqara, possibly in an unattested mastaba 3518.

Genius Of The Great Pyramid

Genius Of The Great Pyramid
by Kwaku Person-Lynn
© 2004

One of the fiercest, most brutal battles in academia is whether Afrikans were the original inhabitants of Kemet (Egypt). Kemet of today is not like Kemet of old. Arabs invaded it during the 7th century A.D., and continue their occupation. The reason the debut of the original inhabitants is so vital, the Nile Valley, which reached its zenith in Kemet, is the birthplace of civilization, whereby world civilizations evolved. It is the place where philosophy, science, mathematics, technology, engineering, religion, education, architecture, astronomy, parenting and a host of other human creations began. For Black people to garner the credit for these innovations goes against everything ever taught in Western civilization.

Careers have been ruined for defending such a position. Dr. Yosef ben-Jochannan, known as Dr. Ben, one of the world's leading Afrikan Kemetologists (Egyptologists), has been dismissed from several universities for teaching this perspective. Dr. Chiekh Anta Diop, the world's greatest scientist in this area of study, and the scientific father for Afrikan World Studies, had his first doctoral dissertation rejected at the University of Paris for addressing this subject. However, his book, Civilization Or Barbarism: An Authentic Anthropology, though a very scientific and scholarly work, is perhaps the best literature available outlining unequivocal proof that Afrikans were indeed the original inhabitants of Kemet, and created all of the above.

Part of the physical proof stands in Kemet today, the great pyramid of Gizeh, built for the Pharaoh Khufu (2589-2566 B.C.E.), called Cheops by the Greeks. It was the tallest building on planet earth for 4000 years (481 feet). What makes this structure so magnificent is the philosophy, thought and planning that went into creating it. For instance, astronomically, it is a replica of the northern hemisphere. It would take a very complicated mathematical explanation to show this, but the book Secrets Of The Great Pyramid by Peter Tompkins, one of the best researched books on this topic and very difficult to find, reveals a simple mathematical explanation. He states, "Each flat face of the Pyramid was designed to represent one curved quarter of the northern hemisphere, or spherical quadrant of 90?."

In order to make such an exact measurement, the designers would have had to be knowledgeable of advanced mathematics, engineering and astronomy. Tompkins further shows us the pyramid's relationship to the earth, "The apex of the Pyramid corresponds to the (North) pole, the perimeter to the equator, both in proper scale."

One of the great misnomers in history was giving Archimedes, the noted ancient Greek mathematician, credit for the value Pi (p = 3.14159+), the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter. He lived around 287 – 212 B.C.E. The problem with the way this is taught, the great pyramid was built around 2,665 B.C.E., give or take a few decades either way. Most honest mathematicians familiar with the construction of the pyramid will empirically state that Pi was incorporated with its construction.

In fact, the doorways of many of the massive temples in Kemet are shaped in the symbol of Pi. According to mathematician Deborah Maat Moore, "Problems number 48 and 50 in the Ahmose Mathematical Papyrus (called "The Directions For Knowing All Dark Things," one of the oldest mathematical documents in existence) shows how the Egyptians derived the formula Pi." (The African Roots Of Mathematics) Today it is called the Rhind Mathematical Papyrus.

The same myth is taught about the Greek philosopher/mathematician Pythagoras, trained in Kemet for 22 years, which the Pythagorean Theorem was named after, though it was originally known as the "Kemetic Theorem Of The Right Triangle," it was used 1800 years before the birth of Pythagoras in the construction of the great pyramid.

One of the fascinating facts of the pyramid's design, it took 2,500,000 huge blocks of stones, each weighing 2.5 tons, yet the four corners of the base were near perfect right angles. When calculated accurately, the base measures a near perfect number of degrees of a complete circle: 359. 45?. The stones were mathematically placed at accurate angles, with no use of mortar, or the use of modern day cranes. No building today is built with such skill.

To further illustrate the genius of the Afrikan builders, "The Egyptians had measured the base of the Pyramid in units to fit a solar year of 365.2322 days (a complete year). They intended for the base of the Pyramid to indicate the value of a degree at the equator (where they apparently considered the earth to be a true circle [hundreds of years before Europeans discovered this] and a degree of latitude to be equal to a degree of longitude). The ancient Egyptians knew that a degree of latitude is shortest at the equator and lengthens as it approaches the (North) pole." (Thompkins)

Although it is evident that Afrikans of the ancient Nile Valley possessed an inherent genius and precision for their developments, it is also apparent they were planning for future generations, in life and in death. What should be plain and obvious to the conscious mind, the duty of all adults, parents and teachers, is their fundamental responsibility to pass the knowledge of this genius to the younger generations, alerting them that this ancient brilliance was established for them, and that they are accountable for continuing the legacy of their ancestors. To do less would be a failure for themselves and humanity.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Friday, February 19, 2010

Lies told to the black community

These videos expose some of the lies and statistics told to our community, which are meant to undermine us and hold us back.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3