Sunday, May 9, 2010

The Silent Death of Pshycic Violence. - Part 1

Yimhotep, my sisters and brothers. Thank you for checking in again. I hope you find the info to be enlightening and empowering even tho some of this may seem a bit disheartening.


I am happy to be here speaking in the spirit of our ancestors. As well as the great teachers and leaders, who’ve transitioned from this world.
They are deserving of our praises.

I myself am no scholar… No Master teacher or great leader of men and women. I am merely a student, much like you. I, like all of you have the potential to be far more than just a student… We all have the potential to do great and revolutionary deeds. So I do not speak before you, upon a soap box or behind a podium… I speak among you, and am greatly honored to do so. And due to the very broad subject matter that the previous recording covered. I wish to expound on some of the key elements we need to consider as we push forward towards a solution and revolution to our situation here in the hells of north America…

Therefore, the topic before us today will be called, Free Fall Towards Genocide… The Silent Death of Psychic Violence.

What is Psychic Violence one may ask… Does it refer to some telepathic powers the white man has? Some magical xmen shit? No… Phychic violence is the means by which the white man attack us now-a-days. Not physically! He doesn’t need to do bodily harm to us to control and or destroy us. He uses our mind. Pshychic violence is the attacks on the minds of the black man and woman… According to the late, great BRO. Amos Wilson, It Refers to the ability of the, Elite white power structure to “engage in unrelenting psycho political violence, against the collective African psyche”.

Brothers and sisters I want to discuss how the white elites use psychological warfare to manipulate the masses of stolen and disenfranchised Africans here in the United States. How it affects us and what we can do for ourselves to thwart their objectives. Because we as African people in the Diaspora of western society are at a disadvantage. We do not own the media’s outlets that forcefeed white supremist views to our children to ourselves… We do not run the school districts teaching our children the false history of this county guiding us to see the world within the realm of white emperialism and white supremacy.

When you allow them to control your mind they can control your reality, and change your paradigms as they see fit.

The controlling of the minds of black people has been an ongoing SYSTEM for hundreds of years. It is not a new phenomanon at all, and has only intensified, the more advanced technology has gotten. The Taking of our original Afrikan names, language and religion were all forms of phychological attacks against us.

Introducing a god to us that did not look like us…. Matter fact, forget looking like us horus was depicted with with the head of a falcoln…. The sick part was that the god they forced us to pray too had the same face as our enslavers… When the god you worship looks like the man who hates, enslaves and murders you… You got a major psychological problem.

They Wiped away our Language… Our religion, Our culture, our god, our folk ways, moreways, and our norms as Dr. Khallid put it… Took away the power of our own being. The objective of these tactics was to confuse, dominate and finally reprogram us to be the slaves of their choosing. Shit hundreds of years later, no matter if we paint the face black or orange, we still pray to the slave masters god. I watched the Goodtimes “Black Jesus” episode and if you’ve never watched it its an eye opener. Micheal puts it up, and the whole episode Florida wants to take it down, and her commentary is incredible. The dialog alone is very memorable. At one point she says, refering to the picture of white jesus… “The only Jesus I know is Him”! This is indicative of how many blacks of her day felt… as well as today. We still see the white jesus pieces around the necks of our brothers… Anyway… As you can guess, black jesus never saw the light of day again on good times after that.

Whats funny is how many of us will say, White or black !? does it even matter? Of course it does… To everybody but us! We are the only race, that seems to be okay with false depictions of our history. But I digress cause I am getting a bit off track.

Even with such a deep brainwashing and Even thru all we have been thru, we still have not fallen completely. We fought thru the overt oppression and suppression and still had unity and strength. And every time they would use their overt oppressive tactics, we would still rise. Undaunted… They still could not break our minds completely.

During the early years of the 1900’s overt racism of Jim Crow and segregation, some of the most incredible minds were produced. Minds like Marcus Garvey, Carter G. Woodson, Paul Roberson And even the great teachers and leaders that followed their legacy. Men and Women of such vision and power! Had this pattern been allowed to continue It would have been only a matter of time before we would have had our freedom…

During the mid 1900’s, those within the white elite power structure, had been researching ways to control and subjugate the masses of people in the US… From the Large scale Propaganda techniques of Walter Lippman and Edward Bernays to Project Bluebird, later to be called the much more infamous MKUltra, It was obvious that overt racism had gone out of style somewhat. The United States has been hard at work on more COVERT Psychological Warfare. A way to control and guide the lives of those within the glass cage of America.

And what better way to manipulate is there then, thru the media outlets. Radio, the tell-LIE-vision sets, Newspapers and now the Internet.
We as afrikan people have been exposed to covert attacks on all fronts, in a war we do not even realized is being waged upon us!

And this war has been bombarding many of our minds since our earliest years of childhood! Many are raised by the TV set. Suckling on the boob tube as if it was nursing them. As we turn on the boob tube, our minds are like a blank sheet of paper waiting for what the television wishes to write down. We watch as the news spends chunks of its air-time parading us across the screen accompanied with the crime of the day… The top story… or whatever.

The new anchor reports flawed statistics, pivotal in promoting the criminalization of black people, while we see these stats and think they mirror our people. We start to believe what we see. Their game is to make us view each other as criminals and uncivilized people. When they have always acted as criminals themselves, as well as uncivil and barbaric.

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