Monday, May 10, 2010

The Silent Death of Pshycic Violence. - Part 2

Throughout history there has been insurmountable evidence that proves just that! Even within their own history books!

Thru the glorification of murder, sex and greed, Hollywood uses its vast resources to push its agendas upon your minds.

Movies that are geared towards us, usually consist of comedies or drug dealer movies, with the occasion historical movie about how whity learned to accept so n so… ala, Driving miss daisy, The great debaters or The Blind Side…So we are either the jestor, the criminal or in need of saving… Whitey to the rescue!.

I spoke on the white heroes on the last recording… And it still needs to be said that the black hero is non-existent in todays entertainment media. And if he does exist he’s either merely a human who can fight real good, steriotypically designed with blacksploitation like commentary, or he’s a superhuman with a alcohol problem… Ahhh am I thinking to deep? Maybe I am…


This continues into the video game market. Little black kids controlling super-powered white men and woman, while they do amazing stuff, only to see themselves caste as sidekicks or comedy relief within stereotypical settings.
All while whites look boundless in these movies and shows. Flawless, intelligent and brave. Overcoming great odds, doing great deeds… Doctors laying their jobs on the line to help somebody… An army Captain dying to save a private’s life in a war… Over and over this and these sorts of themes play on our screens telling us how much white is good… White is great. And at the same times, Over and over again we are shown detrimental images of ourselves. On every channel, every game system and every movie theatre. We are served up a extra helping of self hate on a daily basis. As the visions cross the screen and etch itself in our memory. We see the caricature of ourselves, according to how white want us to be seen. You don’t see the people who’ve been civilized for 100’s of thousands of years… You don’t see the Black Woman who encompasses the creation of civilization… the originator of agriculture and medicine… The definition of power and beauty, you see the angry, black woman. The hard to get along with, loud, promiscuous and oversexed so called “bitches and hoes”. You do not see the gentle, yet strong, builder and architect… The warrior and scientist and scholar black man… You see the gangster, the fool, The deadbeat, the willing to fuck anything moving, jestor ass nigga. The buffoon, simply there to amuse whites and mislead blacks.
While the real world moves around us, we drown ourselves in sports. Watching the highpriced plantation of the NBA and NFL teams run around with a ball for 2 or 3 hours, as if this is an actual value to your life and your future… Its just an escape. We watch simulated manhood in a time when our real manhood as black men should be on the table for review.

We turn our radios on to the popular stations. The songs play over and over again until you love it. It’s the easiest brain washing tactic one can use. You play something over and over, and even if the person is not actively listing to the song, it is still being downloaded by the mind. That’s why you may find yourself humming some bullshit you heard 3 weeks back, like?! What? I don’t even Like that song!... They got you…

While we are being entertained by the rhythms and beats of these songs, the lyrics speak to us and transmit the cultural values and interests of the song into our minds. Altering our very state of being… Music is known to move people. As Plato said thousands of years ago “Music and Rhythm find their way into the secret places of the soul.
And what’s being fed into our soul? What kind of music is finding its way into the very fiber or our being?

It is music that glorifies ignorance, violence and sex. This shit is being peddled to the youth to start them out early on a road to nowhere, bombarding them until they are intellectually dead, when they should be on the road to building a great future for our people…

Now how does the television effect your mentality you may ask? Well in scientific terms... When a person watches TV... their Brains right side becomes more active. Now, wait I must explain how the brain works. The Left side of the brain deals with logic or rational analyzation. Structured thought… While the Right deals with intuition, emotion, it breaks down info in wholes… So when you’re watching TV you are watching with an emotional less logical mentality. That’s why you have brothers n Sister yelling at the screen in the theatres screamin LOOK OUT, She gonna get KEELED LoL… Now, the shift from left to right also releases endorphins which is a natural sedative with similar properties to heroin… Making the act of watching TV addictive.

Also the brains activity also shifts from the High brain region to the lower brain region. Making you less intelligent and animalistic. The lower brain is called the reptile brain because it its associated with primitive mental functions. The lower region believes what it see’s. This is why your body reacts in various ways while watching a horror or love flick. It is an unconscious level of manipulation when you take the science into account as well as the content we are viewing.

For example the overwhelming Gore movies… The rush of glorified snuff films like, Saw or Hostal, where you pretty much pay to watch people get murdered in elaborate ways. Taking into account how the mind works, a society consuming these sorts of themes and images will make for a frightful future. What we are seeing is altering the paradigm and Poisoning the minds of the public in general… Not just the black man and woman.

But how do we free ourselves? How do we peel ourselves from this fly trap?

The end result is simple! We must wrest control of what goes into our minds. Which starts with ourselves. The man in the mirror or the woman in the mirror. Whites dominate us mostly due to our own brainwashed belief that they are, in fact dominant! That their way of doing things is supireor to what we ourselves could do. With these beliefs, we aid them in gaining control over us. Making the white domination somewhat self imposed. We believe he has all the guns, the money, the power… And there’s nothing we can do about it. Psychic Violence has convinced the majorty of blacks that the white man is invincible, which has undermined our self confidence in believing we can take control back.

I could talk bullshit about owning our own record companies and television stations… But, that’s obvious that that would be the goal. But once one gains those stations and companies, if they haven’t worked on themselves and freed themselves from the grip of the white mans psychological hold on them, It will just mean another BET. Just another black company willing to be compromised at the drop of a few coins.

It takes those in the know. You an I, to get out in our streets and teach! Teach your brothers, mothers, sisters, fathers, friends and lovers. Build networks and social groups within your community. Get your hands dirty! These types of things won’t happen over nite. So expect failures and triumphs. We own our own reality. You are your own leader! You don’t need the greats to be around to do great yourself.

Htp and its been a pleasure!

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